
Here are downloadable datasets people regularly ask me for.

  1. County classification into six types: large-metro urban, large-metro higher-density suburbs, large-metro lower-density suburbs, mid-size metros, small metros, non-metropolitan counties. Based on 2018 population, density, and definitions. Download data here.
  2. ZIP code classification into urban, suburban, and rural. From “How Suburban are Big American Cities?” FiveThirtyEight (5/21/15). Download data for all ZIPs/ZCTAs here, and for large cities here. Additional methodology here.
  3. ZIP code estimates of slope and road density. Used as instruments in “Broadband and Local Growth.” Journal of Urban Economics 71, 2012. Download data here.
  4. “Normal America” measures for states, metros, and PUMAs. “‘Normal America’ Is Not A Small Town Of White People.” FiveThirtyEight (4/28/16). Download data here.